Address: Colombo Street No 1, Yogyakarta 55281,
Phone (0274) 550843, (0274) 546719, Fax (0274) 548207
The "KINARYA" business unit of the Faculty of Languages, Arts and Culture of Yogyakarta State University was established in the 2000s. Offices in the PLA or M. Yamin Building, Floor 2, North Wing of the Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Culture of Yogyakarta State University. As soon as he stopped operating because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Kinarya began to rise with a new spirit. Since March 2021, Kinarya himself has been headed by Dr. Yeni Artanti, S.Pd., M. Hum., who replaced Dr. Wien Pudji Priyanto Djuli Pitoyo, M. Pd., for entering full-time office, with Dekan SK No. 2.4/ UN34.12/ I/2021.
As a business unit of the faculty, Kinarya continued and developed strategic steps that had been initiated by previous management. Kinarya has a commitment to continuously adapt and grow in accordance with the conditions of evolving and changing times that continue to occur and accelerate with acceleration in the fields of technology, information and communications. Kinarya, building synergistic collaboration, both with other units at the faculty level, as well as at the university level. Kinarya is also working to establish cooperation with other stakeholders, both at home and abroad.
The core business of the Kinarya unit is adapted to the resources of the Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Culture of Yogyakarta State University (FBSB UNY), which is a field of training and promotion that focuses on sustainable education, business services, arts, culture, and services, as well as production. As a business unit, the presence of Kinarya is expected to be able to professionally manage the resources (tangible-physical and intangibles-non physical) that are in the environment of FBS UNY to support income generating in order to realize excellent faculty and scholars in the field of language education, literature, and art in Southeast Asia by 2025, which can also contribute to the improvement of the well-being of all citizens.
Address: Colombo Street No 1, Yogyakarta 55281,
Phone (0274) 550843, (0274) 546719, Fax (0274) 548207
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